Digital Bundle Pre-order Open until End of Leftovers!

Jester 🎭 Digital Bundle


πŸ‘‘You've been cordially invited by Sonia to be a jester at her next royal ball!πŸ‘‘

Get to know who Sonia Nevermind truly is with this booklet collecting all of her life events, including her own thoughts and personal pictures.
Learn her deepest and darkest secrets, her hidden desires, her despair filled era as an Ultimate Despair, and even her top-secret time on Jabberwock Island (both real and digital)!
Loving crafted to be a scrapbook-like zine for all things Sonia!

But that's not all you'll receive, Sonia also has a bag of party favors for you! Use the icons to show your loyalty for Sonia, have her as your background so she is the first thing you see everyday, or even print her out and dress her up any way you like!

Here's what in your goodie bag:
πŸ‘‘ PDF of Nevermind Regality
πŸ‘‘ 3 social media icons
πŸ‘‘ 1 animated icon
πŸ‘‘ 1 social media banner
πŸ‘‘ 1 paper doll page
πŸ‘‘ 1 PC wallpaper

πŸ‘‘This bundle does NOT qualify for early bird merch and share campaign merchπŸ‘‘
πŸ‘‘This bundle does NOT qualify for any stretch goalsπŸ‘‘

You will receive your copy during the shipping period.